Currently Reading


Murder, She Wrote is my guilty pleasure.  It falls under the “cozy mystery” genre.  It’s delicious.

Each story is formulaic.  Jessica visits some place only people with money can afford.  She finds a body, then winds up solving a murder.  It’s all very neat and tidy.

It’s what I read between my more, shall I say, high brow reading.  The New Yorker would never recommend these books, but they are indeed cozy.  I tend to read them at night, under my covers when the world outside is chilled from the Hudson breeze.  I’ve very lucky almost the entire collection is available on Libby, using my various digital library cards (hello Chicago!) I will be able to read them all!

I’ve actually read a few in a row this time because why the hell not?  I deserve to be entertained!

So back to reading I go, the night is young darlings!



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