New Moon in Taurus 2022

Today was a day to be and not do.  So I did nothing.  And it was glorious.  Even my altar is cluttered because I didn’t feel like straightening it up!  Tonight, I’m burning the peony candle from Trader Joe’s for those luscious TJ’s spring time vibes.

I did do my tarot spread though, as usual, and closed out the month of April in my tarot planner.  I decided to use my pocket sized RWS centennial deck because I haven’t used it in so long.  Sometimes one needs a rest from Crowley to have a nice visit with Pixie instead.

While sitting and watching TV, I wound up making a tarot pouch for Dino’s Anime deck.  The box was pretty beat up from him throwing it in his bag repeatedly.  Hopefully the pouch works out ok.  It didn’t take long at all really, though I worry that it could have been tighter.

Around 8pm, I decided to do my ritual bath.  I LOVE a warm bath.  I don’t care how much pain my knees are in, I’m lowering myself into my tub.  Today I used a lavender bath bomb that turned the water purple.  I ran out of hemp Epsom salts, so I’ll need to buy more.  Instead I used the ritual whipped soap I bought last year at Witch Fest.  A natural sea sponge is a must for any witch especially if that witch also has psoriasis.  This soap is infused with powdered crystals, so it’s extra magickal.

The new moon ceremony from Saged App is tomorrow night at 7pm.  I will be on a train at that time, so I will hopefully catch the replay when I get home around 9.  I sure wish it had been tonight, especially since tomorrow is Beltane but they’re not doing ritual for that until later in the week.  Sunday’s are such awful days for me to do Sabbats and moon work.

Now I’m going to play a sound bath and zen out while I read for the rest of the evening.  I feel like I should get some journaling done, but I’m good.

Blessed Be!



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