Currently Reading


I finished The Witch Elm last night.  Boy, that sure was a wild ride.  No witches involved, apparently it’s a “wych elm tree”, not a witch elm.  Either way, it was a marvelous read.  I’m hoping for an ITV adaption, the dialogue was magnificent.

Now, I am finally getting to the books in my altar cabinet.  I have most of this Little Bit series.  They’ve been sitting on my shelf for over two years now.  Decided to start this one since there was all that talk about the fey on the Discord server yesterday.

I personally don’t incorporate the fey into any of my workings, but having grown up with an Irish great grandmother, I do know a good bit of lore and superstition.  It is of my strong opinion that they fey are of Ireland and are simply not found anywhere else.

I haven’t gotten too far into this, because this is my day time read, not my night time fiction reading.  But what I have gotten through so far is both whimsical and informative.  Just the type of writing you’d love to read in regards to a book about the fairies.

The fiction book I’m starting this evening for my bed time reading is this:

It’s one of those books I kept seeing everywhere, don’t know much about, but sounded intriguing, plus Dino loves WWII like my dad.  It’s won multiple awards, how bad can it be right?  I’m hoping it’s as good as they say it is.

And now to start the darn thing!



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