New Year’s Eve 2021

Just when we thought 2021 couldn’t get any worse, we fucking lose Betty White.  America’s only true National Treasure!  May she rest in fabulousness like the bad ass bitch she was.

I’m lying in bed.  I’ll probably read, maybe play a bit of Animal Crossing.  There is an hour and fifteen minutes left till 2022.

I did my reflections tarot spread, that proved interesting:

A lot of majors, I usually don’t get too many majors, but I suppose this year was a turning point for me.  I feel better, I’m doing better physically.  I really stuck to my guns and went with it, you know?

Damn it, it sounds like someone’s lighting block busters out there!  What the fuck…


The run down, I read 38 books this year, which was an all time high.  I am not including the many children’s books I read Ana.

I knit and crocheted a total of 38 objects… which is weird that I did the same number for both of my hobbies.

I also tried to write way more this year in case dear Reader, you didn’t notice.  While I didn’t write every day, I sure tried to, I needed to get my thoughts out.  Maybe my witchy life helped someone else make their life more witchy too.

Oh good, the police are coming.


My apartment doesn’t face the front so I can’t grace you all with a photo of the scoundrel!  It is now quiet again, that sure scared them!

Overall, I had a pretty good year.  I’m healthy, my kids are healthy, the cat is healthy.  We’re pretty damned good if I do say so myself despite everything.

I like to take one day at a time.  With this illness, I never know how I will feel or what’s to come.  So tomorrow, it’s another day, a new year, that I’ll take as each day comes.

Happy New Year!



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