Currently Reading


This is another one of those books that I saw everywhere, all over lists, and in a massive stack at Costco.  It’s pretty good so far.  I’m not very far in, but it flits between two main characters during WWII, so that’s fun.  I’m hoping Dino will like to read this when I’m done too.  He does enjoy stories about WWII.

I finished reading the Sabbat book on Yule.  It was a nice little refresher for me.  I also started to read the section on Yule in the Almanac.  Perhaps I’ll get some good ideas for recipes and decor.  I don’t want to go over board this year. I’m very tired lately from always being on the go.  If I can just stay on the couch and knit for an entire week straight, I’ll be so happy.  I should even plan to have my groceries delivered.  Ultimate laziness right there.  Though, I am disabled, and deserve that small luxury.

Anyway I will have to choose a non fiction book to read during the day time while I’m on the bus and at appointments.  I’ll have to see what’s available from Libby for my Kindle, I can’t carry a heavy book everywhere I go.

I still have so many appointments to make and go to.  Everything has to be monitored and tested and looked at.  Not fun, but time consuming and totally necessary.

At least I get plenty of reading done!



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