Dino at 15


My baby the rock and roll star!

It is my lovely Dino boy’s birthday today and he is 15.  Now he is the size of a full grown man, from having feet the size of my thumb.

He plays electric guitar, idolizes Kurt Cobain, reads Nietzsche, he’s a member of the Satanic Temple, I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful son!

He warms my stone cold heart.

This year as a surprise I got him a record player which I gave to him when he was home last weekend.  We bought two vintage records and I have a copy of Cyr by The Smashing Pumpkins coming next week (that album is transcendent).

I got him his favorite little treats from Trader Joe’s including a vanilla sheet cake.  Tomorrow I’ll pick up a few little extra things for him when I go out to enjoy my own birthday in solitude (don’t feel bad for me).  Solitude is a precious commodity these days, I may go to Target, which is what mothers do when they don’t have their children with them.  I get free coffee from Starbucks anyway.  Perhaps I’ll find another vinyl to purchase for my bouncing baby boy!

I still have to buy him his Dr. Marten boots.  They were out of stock in his size.  I absolutely hate ordering shoes online unless they’re Crocs or Birks for myself, I don’t change size.

I can’t wait till he’s stomping around in his Docs and strumming his guitar and blasting his vinyls!

He makes me so proud!



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