Saint Paddy’s Day 2022


It is Ana who has the most Irish roots in our family, or at least that’s what we say.  Despite Saint Patrick ridding Ireland of all the pagans (snakes), it’s a fun Americanized holiday filled with green and the promise of spring.

Before I picked Ana up I mixed up my soda bread and let the fairies out, as one does:

The recipe I use is vegan and directly from a culinary school in Ireland.  Flour, salt, soda, water and ACV.  That’s it.  The ACV gets the soda acting so the loaf rises.  We do not serve it vegan however.  Copious amounts of Kerrygold butter get slathered on.  It is delicious and not in the least bit sweet which is just the way I like my bread.  

There is more than half a loaf left so Dino will have plenty when he comes home tomorrow.  It makes very good toast in the air-fryer.  I like to add orange marmalade when it’s in toast form but sadly all we have is apricot.  The pickin’s are slim these days at Lidl and Trader Joe’s!

I did manage to get the Irish Bangers from TJ’s this year though.  I prefer bangers and mash to cornbeef and cabbage.  I’m Greek, the only boiled food I eat is soup.  Everything else must be roasted, seared, grilled or charred in olive oil.  Hence why my cabbage has some brown to it.  Salt, red pepper flakes and garlic powder (I was lazy) are the only seasoning.  The potatoes are milk free, butter only with parsley, more garlic powder, salt and pepper.

Ana of course loved it.

I saved two sausages, potatoes and cabbage for Dino.  If he doesn’t eat it tomorrow for dinner he can have it for lunch on Saturday.

I finished the night with the full moon ceremony via Saged App.  The full moon is tomorrow.  So I shall do my workings then.  We don’t really do workings for the saint’s day.  I suppose one could if they were so inclined.  Not my jam though.

Blessed Be!



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