A Commission!

With three cakes of this glorious yarn I shall be paid a whopping 35 bucks to make a shawl for a person in my neighborhood.  It’s not much.  The cost of the yarn is 26 bucks, but I couldn’t fathom charging over 40 for something so basic.

Besides as Shadow used to say “it’s cash money honey!”.

At this point, I feel like I should just have people pay for the yarn and I’ll do the labor for free since I enjoy knitting so much and have nothing else to really do all day after the meager amount of housework I have.

Honestly, it’s a fine scheme if I do say so myself.  I get to knit indefinitely because others are buying the yarn, and they get a finished garment.  It’s a win win.

Anyway, I’ve started the shawl.  Doing just basic garter stitch on size 7 needles which is a tighter gauge than the one I made myself.  This person happens to be a park attendant and is out in the cold all day so a tighter knit fabric will be warmer.

All afternoon I sat and knit while I watched Archive 81 a show that had been brought to my attention by a post in r/occult of all places.

You ready for this?  Buckle the fuck up.

Whoever did the musical scoring needs to be fucking bitch slapped.  It hurts my skull and I think they put in whatever the opposite of binaural beats are because it felt like my heart was experiencing arrhythmia.  I don’t react to horror and stuff like that, so I know it was the music.  For fucks sake, I’m a classically trained musician, and I SAY with conviction that it was the music.  The way it comes out of the TV is in these unpredictable waves that infiltrate the eardrums causing a level of discomfort that my fat disabled ass simply should not be experiencing.

Netflix has subtitles in Farsi, they should have an option to turn off such cacophony that ruins my viewing pleasure.  And I use that word in the true sense in Greek, bad sound, change a letter and it’s even more accurate, shit sound.

I’m glad I got that out.  I will beat a bitch with my cane for causing my completely unnecessary and distracting aural stress.

Anyway.  It’s an interesting show.  I shall continue tomorrow while I knit and stay warm with tea and hopefully my ear drums don’t bleed.

I swear, the things I put myself through…



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