Finished: Seed Stitch Mittens


With it being a below zero windchill yesterday, I had to act fast and make mittens for my little boy who told me his fingers were told.

I had flash backs to him as a very little boy reading him Little Bear and how he wanted his mother to make him a coat because he was cold.

Obviously, a mother must make their little bear something to wear!

I had a ball of this Lion Brand Thick and Quick left over from making my slippers and knew it would be the only way I could feasibly knit mittens in a matter of hours.  Around 5 if you’re counting.  Dino needed to leave for D and D by 5:50 for his 6pm session.  I started around 11:30 I believe, and with water, coffee and toilet breaks, plus heating up some dinner for my cubs (we’ve already established the bear theme, so let’s roll with it), it took about that long to get these finished and on his freezing hands.

A job well done if I do say so myself and probably the fastest I’ve ever made something wearable! Let’s just hope he actually wears them when he is out there in this cold.

As the guy who sells gloves on Broad and Market once said: “Yo, it’s disrespectful cold out here!”

What I wouldn’t give to sit out in that dry 110 degree heat in California again!



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