New Moon in Capricorn 2022


Incense and candles are a must!

Due to more transit craziness, I was actually home in time for the New Moon Ceremony via Saged App tonight.  I had already prepped my journal in advance so with ten minutes to spare, I lit a candle and incense and settled down at the table with a glass of water (another must) since Dino was at the writing desk.

There were some technical difficulties, but they were resolved.  Then we were led into a group meditation.  There were over 140 people on the Zoom call, which is probably the most I’ve ever seen.  It’s nice to see the app becoming so popular.  I absolutely love a good crystal bowl session.  I should have turned the lights off and turned my other Himalayan lamps on (I have four and want more, don’t judge me, they’re super cheap).

We were told by this evening’s presenter that astrologically speaking we should refrain from any manifestation work until the 5th and 6th.  Well, I only listen to the barometric pressure and there is a storm coming, so I manifested some groceries delivered to my door for Tuesday.  I did not order the jack fruit meatballs, and now I kinda regret that.  I fucking love meatballs.


Earlier in the day, I did my New Moon tarot spread:

I should have busted out the big boys for this, but I was lazy.  Sometimes I think I should have the medium size deck too, but I can’t shuffle them, so who am I kidding?  Pocket sized it is!  Lately I’ve been pulling Oppression a lot, which is not cool.  I’ve thought about changing decks for this year, I still miss my Deviant Moon Deck, that would have been the perfect deck to use for New and Full Moons!  Patrick (the artist) has come out with so many cool editions and a giant hardcover behemoth of a tome for it too.  Maybe as a treat for my birthday,  I’ll order myself a copy (since no one else would get it for me) the borderless edition is less than 20 bucks.  I do love Thoth, but one gets weary of the symbology after a time.

And thus ends my evening.  No major magick performed.  I might have run a bath, but Sundays are terrible timing for them.  Perhaps I will do a little something on the 5th or 6th.  Dare I follow a bit of astrological guidance?

Blessed Be!



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