Still Reading

I am still reading the sixth Outlander book.  Granted it is long, but I suppose with no where really to go and it being too cold to sit at the park for too long I don’t get much reading done, which isn’t good!

I usually read a non fiction book during the day and fiction at night but I haven’t done that the entire time I’ve had my nose in this book.

I do have a bit of a goal for this year, and that’s to get through yet another massive tome, Holistic Tarot.  I’m really hoping we can get some people on broad on Saged App as a group read along/book club.  It’ll be fun and informative!

I have a physical copy of Holistic Tarot, that in hindsight is going to be a pain in the ass to carry about on my Sunday train trips, but I’ll manage.  It’s a tarot book, one needs to see the cards the author is talking about and the effect is lost in translation on Kindle unfortunately.  The device has its perks, properly viewing tarot manuals not being one of them.

Anyway, it’s reading time.



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