Currently Reading

This is the sixth book in the Outlander series.  I could have read all the published ones as they came out, but I have the luxury of reading them right before the next season comes out.

This series is a bittersweet one for me.  I happened to be watching a sneak preview of the first episode when Shadow told me he had read the books and recounted the first novel for me.  From there we watched together and I began to read it through.  When he had done his ancestry he had found he was about 20 percent Scottish, so our dream was to go one day, sleep in a haunted castle and tour the highlands.

Anyway, these take minimum three weeks to read for me and it doesn’t help that I didn’t have anywhere to go the past two weeks, so no lengthy bus or train rides where I could knock a few chapters out.  It’s amazing how much reading I get done on NJTransit.

I’m also reading this in hardcover format and NOT on my Kindle despite having a free copy that Amazon gave me.  With Ana being behind in her reading, I have to be a good mother and model good reading habits for her.  A device doesn’t serve that purpose.  So, library book to the rescue.  

I’ve been taking her every week now for the past two months.  Now however, they emailed us and said they aren’t letting anyone inside to browse again due to Covid, so I have to place holds for pick up.  That’s a bit of a pain when it comes to children’s books.  I know what I want to read, but with Ana, we browse the shelves together, choosing her seven or more books one for each night of the week.

I’m just thankful we have books at all at this point.  I used to spend so much money at Barnes and Noble for Dino cause Newark’s library was and still is crap.  I can’t afford to do that at all now.  I’m grateful for my Kindle too, since it’s light weight and I can enlarge the text for my terrible eyesight.  Hopefully things with this wave of virus get better soon.

And that brings me to my reading time.



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