Dino at 14

He’ll look even cooler with his mitts!

My darling baby boy is 14 years old today!  Time sure does fly.  He’s turning into a man right before my eyes and it seems like just yesterday his little feet were barely bigger than my thumbs.

Above is a pic of him from a week or two ago as he donned his gear for Dungeons and Dragons (see the trash bag? He even does housework!) Now I may be biased, but I personally thinks he looks like a Pokémon Go trainer.  He’s now taller than me, and it must have happened over night because I can’t even recall being eye to eye with him. I sent this pic to Jenny captioned “there’s a man in my apartment”.  Now we both feel old, but at least we don’t look it!

Dino can now reach things that I can’t and man oh man is that great.  Yes of course I miss my baby Dino, he will always be my baby, but tall Dino being tall Dino is fabulous.  My Dino has grown into a fine young man indeed.  He’s polite, and getting to be self sufficient. As they say, we’re raising adults not children!

Sadly my Dino boy is with his father until Friday.  I can’t even remember the last time I had him for his birthday.  We celebrate our birthday’s together of course and Dino usually says “our birthday”.  

This year he didn’t really ask for anything in particular but he loves trinkets, so trinkets are what I got.  I found some cool stuff at Dollar Tree and a couple of unusual things at the thrift shop.  It really is a pleasure to have a child like him who appreciates everything.  He’ll also get his pair of mitts and possibly a dice bag if I can finish it in time.

We shall have cake with my sister and brother in law on Saturday.  They are like Japanese hermits those two, other wise I wouldn’t want to see them at all.  They’re vampiric as well, so it will be late afternoon when they leave their lair.  I’m hoping Eli can still take Dino and I to Five Below.  I know money is tight for everyone so I said just get me something nifty from there.  They have crystals there now, so that’s probably what I’ll get.

As for food, I have been cooking three meals a day and baking bread from scratch for almost a year straight.  I cant afford to order out but Trader Joe’s frozen section fits the bill just dandy.  Dino can choose whatever frozen meal he likes.  Way less than delivery, and probably healthier, by a smidgen at least.

Seeing him grow up brings me both joy and sorrow.  The latter mostly because Shadow isn’t here to see the little boy he once knew become a teenager and eventually a full grown man.  He probably would make tons of jokes, like tossing him the car keys and telling him to take the wheel so he can nap.  I’ll still be the one to teach him how to shave however.  Being a hairy fat Greek woman, I have many more years experience and actual time spent with that task.  He still has some time, if he decides to shave that is.  He doesn’t have to unless he wants to.

I better stop this before I cry.  Too many misty eyed days this week.  Birthdays are happy days! So...

Happy Birthday my wonderful used to be tiny heiny baby boy!  I love you always and forever!


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