Valentine’s Day 2021


Self love spell bottle.

Note: I will not be posting the ingredients because this is not my spell to share.

I don’t like Valentine’s Day.  Not because I’m a bitter old and cranky widow, but because it’s too damn close to my birthday.

Let me set the scene for you, early 90’s, I’m a young kid looking forward to her birthday and all I see is red and pink and hearts when my favorite color is purple.  Kids who were my friends thought it was perfectly ok to get me Valentine’s Day items for my birthday.  I don’t know why.  It’s not on the 14th.  Maybe their immigrant parents didn’t know.  My dad is off the boat and he calls all the red “malakias” so he knows, why didn’t they?  One time, ok, you say “thank you, that’s cute” and keep it moving.  But it happened several times over the years.  The last and final time was when I was 12.  I didn’t ask to celebrate my birthday after that cause I was tired.  Even as an adult it’s virtually impossible to go out on my birthday weekend, so except for a few occasions, I don’t.

Fast forward to today and I have a girly girl daughter.  Hearts, glitter, rainbows and unicorns, Valentine’s Day is right up her alley.  I’m actually pretty thankful I didn’t have to do anything for her classmates this year.

So while I tried to get some knitting done, she was opening a present from grandma.  Chocolates, a pink kitten heart necklace and a new book to read.

Then she saw me scroll through the usual Wiccan posts and she catches a self love spell bottle and asks if we have all the stuff to make it.  She loves it and has to make one.  Having the well stocked magickal cabinet that I do, of course I have everything.

It took all of five minutes but we made it.  I don’t really do spell bottles, they’re messy, but Ana loves it.  It is currently sitting on the altar where it will manifest love in whatever way Ana’s little heart desires.

She is happy and that’s all that matters.

Blessed Be!



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