Things I did, Instead of Watch Football


I’m that bitch that only goes to parties for food.  So, no super bowl party, no food, therefore, I don’t need to watch the game.  I don’t even like sports.  It’s boring, and football is especially dangerous and racist to boot and I’m not going to get into it with them and their head injuries here.

So, enough of that.

Here is a random list in order of things I did this evening:

1) Light my favorite moss garden incense at my altar.

2) Continued to work on my knitting project.

3) Watch a PBS special with Deepak Chopra, and now I think I want to read one of his books.

4) Drink tea.  It was oolong, and as the package states, it was splendid.

5) Praise my five year old’s drawing, which seemed to feature alchemical symbols.

6) Cook dinner which was turkey meat sauce over penne because Ana begged for pasta.

7) Ate said dinner.

8) Cleaned up after said dinner.  I’m using a slice of loofa to wash dishes with and I must say, it’s working very nice.

9) Put the evening news on, channel 7 even though they’re owned by Disney.

10) Did my physical therapy stretches while I listened to the news. The only equipment I have is some basic yoga supplies, they get the job done.

11) Watched more TV and did more knitting.  Mayim Bialik is adorable on her new show and I really hope Miranda can come and do a cameo.

12) Gave Ana a bath.  I only have to help with hair washing now.  Yay for independent children!

13) Gave myself a bath.  I wish I had someone to help me wash my hair, I think it’s time to chop it again.  It’s so long and heavy.

14) Applied this new cream some random internet stranger sent me for free.  (Dude owns a company in Canada, don’t worry he’s legit.)

15) Flossed, scraped tongue, brushed teeth and rinsed mouth.

16) Contemplated combing my wet hair or letting it dry some more.  It’s still in a towel as I type this.

17) Write this “blog post”.

18) Finish writing the post.

The End


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