The Card of the Day

I don't even know what crystal that is...

I've been neglecting to pull my "COTD" the past couple of weeks.  I had been consistently using the Labyrinthos tarot app to quickly load a card as soon as I wake up in the morning, as one does when they turn off their alarm and check the barometric pressure and temperature.

I own five physical decks, so it's only right that I actually use them.  My only hang up is that I tend to journal in the evening, at the desk, which is at that time unoccupied by chrome books and kindergarten dittos.  Though I use the kitchen table for the larger spreads I read for others, I don't enjoy reading for myself there.  The desk is cozier with my fountain pens and paper, it also helps that there isn't a draft from the window.

I wanted to make it a point to go analogue with my tarot again.  The app is excellent, it really is, but I can't shuffle and cut an online deck, heck the app doesn't even show the full deck! (Reminds me of the old Windows 98 solitaire animation, if they could do that back then, why can't they add that to an app now?)

There is also this workbook which I've had for ages that I have yet to start.  I don't recall ever cracking it open.  In conjunction with that, there is a journal prompt PDF I came across which I added to the Google Classroom, it's technically for shadow work, but tarot is the best tool ever for that, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  I want to use my physical journal for that though and then maybe post each page here like I did with the Journal with Goulet prompts during last June.  I won't be doing full page spreads like I was, I'll stick to the one side.

Pulling a single card every day, doesn't necessarily give me a heads up, or set my purpose, instead it solidifies my spirituality.  It is one of the easiest daily activities any Wiccan or witch can do.  It's actually what I recommend to busy witchy moms, instead of doing a full spread for themselves, cause who has time for that?  So, take today's pull, the Knight of Swords, this is a man in motion, a man that has shit to do and he's got to get it done now.  Swords signify logic and intellect, and that conveys to me that I'm doing the right thing with this blog, the Classroom, and my teaching.  The Knight of Swords is charging forth with a bit of aggression, or maybe it's determination, but in my case, it's definitely aggression.

I think I'm also going to work more with the RWS which is the deck in the photo.  Mine is a pocket size and I haven't used it in a long while. I have the full size deck too, but my arthritis prevents me from shuffling it.  Sometimes, the Thoth is a bit much, and right now, I need the cool calming colors of Pixie's artwork.

Perhaps I'll pull my daily card as I wait for my tea to cool in the morning, tea and tarot always go well together!



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