Only Dimes

These are a dish of all the dimes Dino, Ana and I have found on the ground since her daddy passed.

We only ever find dimes, occasionally a quarter, and sometimes 11 cents.  You see, Shadow had a thing with 11:11.  His main thing was dimes.

When we find a dime, we know that he’s watching out for us. He’s saying “it’s ok Spiral”, “hey buddy” or “I love you baby girl”.  I’m tearing up writing this.  Damn moon time hormones.  (I need a steak and some chocolate and now I have to get it myself.)

I haven’t counted them.  There might have been more and maybe they’re in my wallet or the bottom of my bag.  They could have made it into the regular change jar, which I haven’t brought to the bank since he died, so it’s quite full of mostly pennies, but would have needed to be exchanged if not for covid.

The egg you see is a rainbow moonstone.  I know it isn’t rainbow in color, but that’s what it’s called.  It’s yet another crystal that he purchased for Ana.  The dish, simply says “wish”.  Which, of course is ironic now.  Cause I fucking wish every day that he was still here and instead he sends us dimes.  He’s probably laughing about it from the astral right now.  At almost a year and a half later I can joke about it now, and shake my fist at him up in the sky.

But, dimes add up quickly, so, there is that.  It’s the little things like these that I simply know aren’t mere coincidence. Who the hell throws dimes out anyway?  I’ve literally seen people toss out pennies.  Even if it’s all meaningless, it’s their loss and my gain, cause I’m several dollars richer and I like to think that my heart has been patched up a bit more with each one I find.


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