A Spell Pouch for Safe Travels


Quick and simple!


1 pouch

3 dandelions

1 tiger’s eye crystal

Small scrap of paper

Brown marker or crayon

Giraffe or monarch butterfly sticker


On the Wednesday before you travel:

Gather items you’re using, these can be substituted with any of the items listed from the correspondence chart in The Complete Book of Correspondences, use as many or as few as you like.

Draw the rod rune in brown marker on the piece of paper, apply your animal sticker of choice.  Next, I used Palo Santo to smoke cleanse everything, use your preferred method.

Then, one by one grasp each item in your dominate hand, take a moment to ask it to aid you in having a safe journey.  When you feel ready, add it to the bag and continue until everything is nestled inside.  Tie the bag three times.  

Place this spell pouch in your suit case, personal bag or carry on.  If going by car, do not tie it to your rear view mirror, place it in the glove box.

That’s all folks!

Obligatory back story:

I’m not showing the final charged spell.  Use your imagination.  There is too much going on in the world right now, especially in the area I’m traveling to.  Normally I go with the flow, but this time I felt I needed a little extra oomph from the universe.  I do not leave until Friday morning, so right now the pouch is on my altar chillin’ with the good vibes.

Stay safe out there.

Blessed Be!



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