Ana’s First Trip to the Zoo


Grandma and Ana being ferocious.

Grandma didn’t know that Ana had never been to the zoo before.  For a child who has said from the time she was two that she wants to be a vet, that just wasn’t gonna fly with grandma.  So off we went to the Sacramento zoo.  

Ana had a blast.  This child literally knows her shit.  She was telling other grown ups and kids facts about all the animals on display, facts that I myself possess somewhere in the alcoves of my brain waiting to answer Jeopardy questions but didn’t know she knew.  Kudos to the writers of Wild Kratts for that one.  Now I have to buy this kid more animal books on top of figuring out vet schools in Europe, looking at you University of Dublin!

One attraction at Sacramento that I’ve never seen before is feeding the giraffes, or in this case, the one male giraffe who was massively bigger than the four other females and literally wouldn’t let them anywhere near the food.  I think Ana had fun but I’m not too sure:

That thing was close.

Ana also got to pose with her first real life red wood tree and man was that thing massive, not as big as the one’s in the actual National park but still, we don’t see trees with that kind of girth in NJ.

We also encountered a new animal to me called an okapi whose head looked like a giraffe but who’s butt looks like a zebra.  I somehow didn’t take a picture of him.  His name was Mo and he is my new favorite zoo animal.  Turns out he is actually related to giraffes.  The gift shop had plushies of him so we’re taking Mo back on the train home.  I love him, he’s adorable, he will live on my sofa.

We had an excellent time, my knees are kind of sore from standing for so long looking at animals but I’ll have a swim tomorrow after breakfast.  Ana wants to be a vet even more now and she’s currently watching The Lion King (original) with grandma before bed.  Overall, an excellent first zoo trip.    It’s really nice when a kid is genuinely interested in the animals they’re seeing, it makes the whole day that much more special.



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