Summer of Love Tarot Challenge

Yet another tarot challenge for the month of August!

I tried to decorate these pages to go with those far out vibes as best I could.  I think the over all effect is cute.

I’ve started using the Everyday Tarot deck for this challenge because I think that is the one I will be taking with me.  It’s compact, cheap and easily replaceable from Amazon (the Devil) if I lose it.  Besides purple ink and purple cards just seem to go together.  Basically everything I’m taking on this trip is going to be purple so I might as well stick to the theme.

I’m thinking that each question or statement works as a journaling prompt as well but I haven’t tried it yet.  I was very tired today and achy.  So I did nothing like I usually do when I simply need my body to relax and recover from existing.

Oddly enough I don’t do tarot readings for that.  I don’t need to read what the cards say regarding my chronic illness, that’s just depressing.  Also why I don’t like the whole notion of shadow work.  I need to keep it moving people, my whole life is ahead of me!  I’m hoping I feel better tomorrow but if not, then oh well, another day to rest.  I must remind myself, this is why I’m disabled, because I can not run around like I used to.

These pages will give me yet another activity to do during the dog days of August.  Slow, lazy, keeping cool.

I should make lemonade!



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