Currently Reading


I’m still waiting on the latest Stephen King book on hold but in the meantime, I’ve decided to give The Green Witch a shot.  Everyone and their mother seems to have read it except for me, so it’s time I get to it and decide once and for all if it’s a good book for a beginner witch.  I think people value my opinion when it comes to such things seeing as I’m a regular old fart now.

We’ll see.

For my fiction pick, I’ve chosen The Once and Future Witches.  I’ve seen it pop up in various searches and most importantly, it was available without a hold.  I’m hoping it’s an interesting read.  Between these and the titles I already have on my Kindle, I should be all loaded up for the journey home.  Four days of cross country train riding, books simply must be part of the agenda.  

I have 6 days until my trip.  I doubt I will finish either of these titles by then.  I have been busy cooking three meals a day and cleaning, plus knitting and crocheting washcloths for Grandma Linda.  I’m bone weary at the end of each day and enjoy lying back and reading on my Kindle before bed.

And now, I shall do just that!



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