New Moon in Leo 2021


This is my tarot spread for today’s new moon.  I did nothing else.  I didn’t even tune into today’s ritual because it was so early in the day.  I prefer doing rituals in the evening, especially new and full moon rituals which, no offense, kinda should be done when the moon is actually in the sky at night.

It’s been raining on and off today.  But it felt like fall with this chill in the air, there was even a heavy fog blanketing the city.  I have the windows open and I feel cold!  At one point I had this ominous feeling that autumn would come early and so too would a harsh winter.  That is not a nice feeling for my bones.

Today is also the Lion’s Gate, which I don’t pay attention to because I’m not a huge astrology buff.  All those degrees and star, moon and sun signs, it’s all too much for me.  It sounds very much like math and I can’t stand math.  I avoid numbers more than the plague.  Some people can feel this difference astrologically, and I never have, as I always say, it’s the barometric pressure that I feel.

Perhaps I’ll watch the recording of the ritual tomorrow when I’m in a better headspace without a slight headache.  Typically a witch has three days to get new or full moon workings done.  I still want to do my safe travels spell too, probably Wednesday.

Now it is time for rest, I am very tired today.

Blessed Be!



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