Shadow’s Crystals


It’s been two years since I’ve seen these large selenite wands. Shadow purchased them at the gem and mineral show in 2019.  We wanted to get a table at Witch Fest and Pagan Pride Day and sell them because no one had crystals this nice, but of course that never transpired.

This is the shelf his mother keeps in his room.  The room I am now sleeping in while I’m here.  There are unopened geodes and other smaller pieces too plus loads of pendulums.  

It kinda feels surreal to be surrounded by this much selenite.  It had always been and still is my go to for protecting our home.  If we had kept some more of these larger pieces I would have liked for him to put actual shelves above each window top and doorway.

This room is peaceful.

The larger pieces on top are a massive rough rose quartz and calcite.  The blue sphere I have no idea what it is.  I kinda wish I had the space for some of them in my own home.  It’s sucks I had to miss this year’s as well as last year’s gem show, but being here is more important.

I will try and save some extra money for next year and take the kids as it was our family tradition for a long time.

Until then, Ana has her heart set on taking a malachite pendulum back home.  Malachite was one of her daddy’s favorites and she didn’t even know it.

It’s all so bittersweet.



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