Currently Reading


I finished The Guest List and my oh my was it fun!  I was hoping that the book I had on hold would be ready by now but it’s not.  I allegedly have 4 weeks left to wait, so I decided to scroll through the “available now” section of Libby and came across this.


Early 20th century Manhattan?

Murder?! (Probably not in this book)

Yes, please!

I absolutely love a good historical novel especially one set in my home town where the buildings they describe are still very much in use.

I will be starting this tonight as my fun read.  As for more serious occult day reading I’m still doing my tarot workbook little by little.  Reading through Initiation into Witchcraft and because I was bored the other day began reading Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Way of Tarot which is supposed to be the book to read for marseille tarot decks.  It’s actually quite the page turner.

I’m also still chugging along with The Sword and The Serpent which I may need to give up on.  It’s just so much.  I think at times it’s actually making my head and eyes ache.  Yes I would like to better understand the Tree of Life so that I can better understand Crowley and thus better comprehend his deck, but maybe I need like Kabbalah for dummies, but dummies who are totally way smarter than Madonna.  I may have to check out DuQuette’s book, he’s rather humorous and doesn’t seem to take it all so seriously as the other authors do.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a Kindle to boot up.



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