Currently Reading


I finished reading Billy Summers.  I wanted to throw my Kindle across the room.  What the fuck?  I shan’t go into it, just read the damn book and curse Stephen King later.

I thought I would have to wait 4 more weeks, as Libby told me I would for The Lost Apothecary, but the app notified me that it was available today, so what a stroke of luck that I could start this right away after finishing the King book this afternoon.

So far so good, it’s one of those books that jumps back and forth between time periods.  Interesting thus far, I’m about 4 chapters in.

I keep saying that I have to make a dent into my physical books that have been languishing on my shelves, especially the witchy and spiritual titles.  And after this book I’m gonna do it.  It’s about time.  I have to read them and then off load the ones I don’t want anymore to someone else.  I need to declutter my book shelves and altar cabinet.  With fall upon us and winter coming, I must batten down the hatches!

So, no more holds for right now, until I finish all the physical books.

And now, back to reading.



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