Finished Wavy Boxes Blanket


The rest of my yarn became tangled yesterday so a good part of my morning was rewinding it and working as fast as I could to get this off the needles.

Baby Penelope (at least my friend Sam said she was going to name her that months ago) was born on Friday, she was due in October.  I thought I had a few more weeks of knitting time.  Now it’s crunch time and I have to do a sweater and a bonnet.

I purchased two different pink yarns for the task and already cast on for the sweater.  The going is tough because it’s size 5 yarn and size 10 needles which is hard on my hands, just as this blanket was.

I thought that I would have gotten this done earlier if I had taken it to California on the train but the reality is, with Ana still being so small, I am left managing all the luggage.  I didn’t even work on the project I packed because I was busy making washcloths for everyone!  I think I’m going to invest in one of the Tom Bihn duffle bags that can be worn as a backpack.  That should alleviate some issues for me anyway.

So, this blanket is actually missing one and a half pattern repeats because I didn’t have enough yarn.  I realized that after I did row 5 and 6 which are knit rows anyway, so I just continued to row 10 and cast off.

It is a relief.  Now I’m hoping to get the majority of the sweater done tomorrow and then I can go to M and J trimming on Thursday for buttons for my sweater and that one.  Michael’s and Walmart never have good enough buttons, sadly when I go to M and J, I spend more money on the buttons than I do on the yarn… but I buy cheap yarn at discount, so it’s not too bad.  I wish I could get to a Joann’s or Hobby Lobby, they have amazing findings.

Oh well.

Back to the hand work tomorrow.



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