O’Go Yarn


Now that I’ve been working with this yarn the past week or so, I think I can finally give a decent opinion on it.  This is one of Yarnspiration’s better ideas, unlike their Pantone X Masochist put up.

This is straight forward and easier to separate into neat little croissant shaped yarn pieces to stash away for later.  I’ve had no knots, no tangles and I’ve separated two whole ones for the sweater I’m knitting Ana.

I enjoy the new put up so much that I got 6 O’Go’s to do the Joann’s Fall Stitch Along with:

This is a size 5 yarn and a different texture.  I was able to get it for more than half off.  When they first announced the yarn and the projects I calculated it to be over 60 bucks.  I got my six balls for less than 30.  Pretty sweet.  I will be separating all of these before I start the Stitch Along.  I’m gonna have to empty out my knitting basket to do it though.

I can’t wait to see the other styles of these, there is supposed to be Red Heart Super Saver, which is one of my favorite budget yarns.  I think the roll out will be slow however due to the shipping fiasco.  Usually these yarns are spun by Spinrite right here in the US, but these new O’Go’s were made in China so I’m assuming that’s why we have yet to see the entire line up.

Oh well.

I’ll be looking forward to it.  Until then, I’ll use what I have (I know I broke my rule of not buying yarn this year but I did go through a ton of what I did have and how was I supposed to pass up trying this new stuff?!)

It’s sweater weather and it’s time for me to knit up a storm!



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