Currently Reading


I finished Black Moon.  It wasn’t at all what I was expecting. It was delirium, longing, fright and exhaustion.  I should not have read a book about a pandemic during a global pandemic, but it’s on to the next read now!

Is a missing person any better?

I have a confession.  I’ve never actually read Agatha Christie’s books.  I’ve watched many BBC and ITV productions of her stories but to crack the spine of her mysteries has eluded me.  I had a very good friend who loved her and borrowed all her books from the library, constantly.  I was very surprised Newark even had them all since their shelves were always pretty bare.

This book however is about the in real life disappearance of Mrs. Christie.  Fictionalized of course.  I’m a few chapters in (they’re terribly short mind you) and already it’s a whirlwind of activity!

I am reading a physical copy of this that I managed to snatch up for a dollar at Unique.  I was at the thrift store in search of a new tea cup (I have terrible luck with them smashing on the kitchen tiles, hence why I only spend a dollar on them) when I came across this in hardcover and had to have it.

Now I have a cup to drink tea from and a good book to read while I’m sipping said tea.  I always win big at Unique!

Back to my reading.



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