It Kicked My Ass Again

Get the vaccine.  Point, fucking blank.  

Apparently the Covid vaccine kicks my ass every single time I get it.  You’d think, third time’s the charm?  Nope.  I even did a candle spell Wednesday morning in hopes that it would alleviate some of the side effects for me.

Nah, man.

Thursday morning I was ok, arm very sore but I could move it around better than last time, so I thought that was a good sign.


By the afternoon I was suddenly exhausted despite all the tea and coffee I had consumed.

Big mistake.

In my delirium, I had to constantly get up and pee.  Thank the Gods for Kegel's, other wise I would have had an accident several times over.

By night time, I was freezing.  I wrapped myself up, placed the heating pad on my knees and cranked it all the way up which under normal circumstances would burn me.

I woke up this morning feeling somewhat better but my whole body was achy and I think the lymph nodes at the bottom of my skull were a tad inflamed.  I could feel them.  

Totally uncool.

I decided to take a bubble bath, because that’s what one does when they feel like shit early in the morning.  I was surprised I could actually lower myself into the tub.  Luckily my arm worked so I could wash my hair which had become entirely too greasy.

After that I began to gradually feel much better as the morning progressed.  I made tea and toast even though I was nauseous.  I decided against an ibuprofen cause I had already taken some two days in a row.  That shit is a real killer to livers.

Currently, I feel almost back to normal, which for me is still slightly achy depending on barometric pressure (29.95, not too bad but still painful).  My eyes are really sore, like I didn’t get enough sleep, even though I got too much.  My hips are especially achy because I was lying down too much.  I haven’t walked any where since Wednesday evening.  Now I’m in bed trying to be cozy, but, my moon time is starting.

I can’t win.



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