Currently Reading


I finished A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.  It was a bit too Jesus-y for my tastes.  A lot of what he discussed I totally vibed with though.  Since I finished that book, I actually managed to complete my 2021 reading challenge on Good Reads, so that’s pretty cool.  Thirty books read so far, the app tells me that I am four books a head of schedule.  I wonder what my end number will be?

As for this book, it’s been on my Kindle for ages, I just never got around to reading it.  I was supposed to do this whole in depth dive into the Hekate mysteries, but I got Hekate overload.  I began this book this morning while Ana played at the park.  I’m that chill mom who sips coffee while she reads.  All the other moms run after their kids constantly, like he’s not two anymore, sit down, chill.  Park time is my chill time, it’s excellent reading time.

Anyway, I’ve read a few chapters so far and it’s not at all what I was expecting.  First of all it was one of those titles recommended to me by Amazon that they thought I’d like based on my previous reads.  What the fuck ever Jeff.  Second, it’s a course.  As in a year and a day course.  Third, it dives right in with meditation which is in no way an Ancient Greek practice. 

Finally, and this is the most egregious of all my issues with it, she talks about Hekate as one would Jesus.  In fact, she uses a lot of phrases which one would use when praying to Jesus.  And that fucking irritates me.  Hekate predates Jesus.  You don’t have to write Jesus-y prayers to Her because she has her own damn prayers which are a thousand years older or more than the New Testament.  Excuse me for actually knowing how to read (and sing) the language of my ancestors!


I get it, this is Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft, but it’s reading like a manual published by a former Christian who throws in some random New Age practices in there for good measure.  She didn’t even start with what I think should have been front and center, which is, who the fuck even is Hekate?!

O Thea mou! 

End rant.

Obviously, as I do with all these works, I’m going to continue reading it.  I happened to actually pay for this particular title, again, go fuck yourself Jeff, so I’m not just gonna move on to something else.  Besides, someone over on Saged App may really value my opinion on such matters, so I need to read till they end.

This is why I stick to academic pieces when it comes to my Ancient Greek roots.



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