Snippets for my Journal

When I am done with a few issues of The New Yorker, I cut them up.  Is it bad?  Should I attempt to distribute my high brow publication to those who are less well read?  Nah, I'm lazy and I paid good money for it, I don't wanna share.  Actually I always get a significant chunk of change off each new yearly subscription, plus a new tote bag, one can never have too many totes.  My father calls me a bag lady, and I couldn't be more proud!

Today I had quite the stack of read issues so it was long past time to grab the scissors and snip snip snip!  I usually go for the colorful photos and sometimes the little black and white drawings where characters have their nose in a book.  I also look for fun titles which may go well with future journal entries, I'm always surprised at how awesome of a match I can make.

I have only come across one problem so far, sometimes the pictures are too big for my Traveler's Notebook.  Sometimes it makes me wonder if I should go back to Moleskine, my first notebook love.  I will save them to decorate the outside covers, or maybe try to spread them across a two page spread, but I have yet to do one in these inserts.

This is just one of those fun crafting activities which brightens my day and adds a bit of pizzazz to my daily writing.  Plus, it's a two for one deal.  I get to read great articles first, then turn the titles and images into art.

Such fun!



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