Started: New Slippers


I’ve been meaning to make myself new slippers for a long while now.  I wanted to get other projects done first but in the mean time, my store bought slippers were getting holes on the bottoms.  Unfortunately, I don’t have the smoothest floors.  They’re at least from the late 1800’s or around 1901, which I’ve noticed is the year on quite a few buildings around here.  The last time I made myself new slippers was way back in March of 2018, even the indestructible Red Heart Super Saver can’t last that long as a pair of slippers. 

I’ve had this Wool Ease Thick and Quick in my knitting basket this whole time, just waiting for the day I sat down and cast on!  Whelp, today was the day, I couldn’t take my ratty slippers anymore.

I decided on a big needle pattern instead of one which would knit it at a tighter gauge.  What I had in my mind to do was to create a double thick sole so they wouldn’t wear down as quickly and they’d be extra squishy.  It took me most of the afternoon between preparing dinner and having tea to concoct this sole.

Sadly, I only got one slipper done, and it was already dark out so I couldn’t get a good picture of it.  I am overall very pleased with what I did.  You see, I crocheted extra stitches through the knitted bottoms to create the second layer.  It’s genius really.  Furthermore, I shan’t stop there, I have it in mind to order suede slipper soles that I can tack onto the bottoms giving them yet another layer.  I’ve used these bottoms before along time ago for a pair of slippers I made Shadow.  Everyone said they wanted a pair.  I have no fucking clue what his friend did with them, the fucker.

Tomorrow I hope to finish the second slipper and then scour the internet for the suede bottoms at the cheapest price.

These are gonna be so cozy!



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