Agatha Shawl KAL Progress


Check out that glorious sun shine!

Today is day nine of the knit along, and this is my progress thus far.  Unfortunately my yarn choices aren't going as well as planned.  There should be much more contrast between the two and their isn't.  Looking at the skeins, I really thought they would be the perfect choice, but as you can see, they're way more muddled once knit up.

Regardless, I'm going to continue.  I'm too far in to try and switch things now, and I don't even know what other color I'd try to change anyway.  Of course I would keep the purple, but what would I substitute the orange with?  I have a light grey, but I'm afraid it's too close to the lightest shades of purple in that skein.

What's done is done.  I'll work on it, slowly but surely and that will be that.

I posted to the KAL forum today and noticed some people were already finished.  I could be too if I hustled, but I'm lazy.  The weather outside was perfect today and it was amazing to sit out there and knit in the sunshine, not too quickly, and not having to really worry about much else.

I'm looking forward to knitting outside the rest of the week and watching this shawl grow.  We spent two and a half hours at the park today, the same Sunday and Monday.  We're only supposed be there an hour, but because we get there so early, before it reaches it's limit of thirty five people (masks mandatory), the park attendant, who is a very lovely gentleman by the way, lets us stay as long as we like unless there is a line waiting to enter.

I don't trust the other parks in the area, there aren't any attendants, and they don't require masks, plus our park checks temperatures, while the others don't.  I have heard other parents complain about the mask wearing and they prefer to go to the other parks.  Well fuck Chelsea, go and let you and Hudson catch Covid.  I ain't getting sick for no one.

I propose we continue to wear masks for every Covid/Flu season moving forward.  I have only been sick once this year.  That stupid phlegmy cough I get for about a week or so when the weather changes.  Never fails.  I decide to leave the window open over night, the temp drops and bam, I wake up with a sore throat, and the next day a bad cough.  Well tonight, I'm leaving the bathroom window open, not the one in the bedroom.  Let's see how this goes, and yes I know how viruses work, but I'm extremely susceptible to strep as a person with psoriatic disease.

Anyway, more sunny day knitting tomorrow.



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