Crunch Time

The unfinished object.

There are now two days left in March and I have not finished my knit along shawl.  What the heck was I doing with all my time?  I don’t even remember.  It’s all just a blur.  I did spend one day experiencing side affects of the covid vaccine, so that was 24 hours or more accounted for and utterly wasted in both the “oh shit, I did nothing” as well as the “what the fuck did I do?” sense.  That second one is about drugs people, get with the program.

Currently I need about 45 more stitches to add which is the same amount of rows.  I think therefore, that my shawl is too small.  It totally should be bigger.  Hell, I’m using a needle size up then called for, the yarn I know for a fact, is thicker and I’m using my Sunstruck set, which is wood and the science of knitting says that using wooden needles makes bigger stitches.  I’m not even joking, it’s a thing, look it up, someone did a study years ago on needle types.  

Do you see why I’m crazy yet?

I digress, I have two days to finish this thing.  I absolutely have to finish it within the confines of March.  Other than that being the end of the official knit along, but because I have to knit Ana’s birthday sweater and I will only have 17 days to do it.

My nightmares the next two nights will be plagued with unfinished knitting projects, and I’ll probably dream about Shadow promising to take me to a yarn store but he can’t because he’s dead, like that dream I had where he promised to take me to Trader Joe’s but couldn’t because I then realized “no wait, you’re dead” and then woke up.

Terrible. I know.  This is what a racing mind does to dreams.

I’m gonna try my hardest to get it done.  I’ll start nice and early tomorrow and do nothing else, well besides my usual nothing else of cooking three meals, cleaning, cleaning up after the cat, and whatever it is that I as a disabled person do all day.  Coffee, and meditation. Ponder, chair yoga.  People probably think I do nothing.  I know for a fact they do.  Just think of it this way, I’m like a 1950’s housewife without the Women’s Day short cuts, and absolutely no tuna salad in aspic or booze, or amphetamines, the 50’s were fucked up man.

Tomorrow will be knitting, all day, I’ll probably need some Aspercreme for my hands.

Wish me luck!



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