Crystals at the Park!

Quartz, hematite and I don't know what the brown one is, but it sure is purdy.

Ana was indeed a very lucky girl today.  She found a total of four different crystals one of which she shared with her best friend.  I'm pretty sure it was a tumbled garnet.  The little boy was very unhappy that he hadn't found any, so I guess Ana decided to give him the smallest but most expensive one.

Three were by the swing set and the quartz crystal point was buried in the dirt by a tree.  An interesting find to say the least.

Now I know the black one is hematite, but I have no clue as to what the striped brown one is.  Needless to say Ana is thrilled regardless of what they are.  She said "maybe daddy sent them down from Heaven for me" and you know what, I think he did.

The odd thing is, today was the first day the park had been opened for a few weeks since all those snow storms.  They can't salt or shovel the rubberized flooring because it would damage it, so they can never open the parks until all the snow and ice is gone.  Not that I would want to be out there in that anyway.  

Who knows how long those crystals had been under the snow and ice?  In new age crystal lore, when you lose a crystal it means it has done its job.  When a hematite breaks, it means that it has absorbed all the negative energy it can handle.  After that, you return it to the earth.  Many practitioners believe in returning crystals to the earth when you are finished with them.  I have a chronic illness so I don't prescribe to the bury it again method.  My crystals are dear to me.

Currently they are sitting on the altar.  They don't need to be cleansed because they had been outside for so long, especially the quartz.

It just goes to show you, you never know what you can find just lying on the ground, so get off those phones people and have a look around.

Blessed Be!



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