Spring Break 2021

The weeping willow is becoming green again!

Spring break is proving to be rather relaxing so far.  I don't have to worry about my children logging into classes or getting assignments done.  It does seem that the other parents are driving themselves crazy over making sure their kids don't fall behind though.

Apparently, they're doing extra work instead of relaxing.  They will also be doing this intensive summer camp and that just doesn't sound safe to me.  They're trying to get car pooling together for it.  Ana would be extremely angry at me if I tried to put her in a summer school type program.  She's had it up to here with virtual schooling.  All she wants to do is run around and play with her friends, which for fucks sake, that's what she should be doing because she's 5!  

I swear Americans don't know how to relax and do nothing.  We Greeks on the other hand did our work 4000 years ago, and have been in a state of stoic relaxation ever since, tavli, cafe, cigaro, and whatever else Greek men do all day.

This week the park is empty every day until 3:30 when all the other kids get out of day care. That's not their fault for their parent's not having spring break off, but I am so thankful that I have this time to be with Ana, because I wont ever get it again.  When Dino was little I only worked part time.  So we would go on our adventures every afternoon.  It was fun, and he loved it.  Ana has been stuck inside for a year and she can't stand it.  I sure wish I could take that little girl on the adventures that I did with Dino.  She's old enough to go to my favorite museums that are not "kid friendly" but, covid.

That's why all week long, she gets to do nothing and run around outside in the sun.  Maybe it's not good enough for other parents and their over scheduled preschoolers but for Ana and me, it's just right.  I did ask her if she wanted to learn Gaelic (no I don't speak Irish, I'd be learning it too) but I think she was too tired from running around all day to process it.  I can't in good faith teach this child Greek, knowing that her beloved daddy was an Irishman.

Sometimes it's ok to do nothing.  Sometimes it's ok to sit on a bench and breathe the fresh sea air.  This is something that I have to remind myself too, especially when it's late at night and I'm wondering why I'm feeling so stiff.  Because ya big dummy (as Shadow would have said), you did too much.  I have to recognize my body's as well as my mind's limits.

It's why the practices of yoga, meditation, centering and grounding are so very important to not only a fulfilling spiritual practice, but to every day life as well.  On days I perform ritual as high priestess, I feel exhausted the next morning if I don't ground properly, that and drink enough water.

While often times, I do feel unproductive, it is the days like today, under a bright blue sky, with the warm sun on my skin, where I say fuck it, and do absolutely nothing.

Blessed Be!



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