The MLM of Tarot?

The only way to do this of course is to join her commuunity!

I'm left scratching my head at this.

Like, the sheer audacity of this bitch.

Two years ago, when you searched Google for tarot meanings plenty of other websites popped up, now only one does.  And that, my dear readers is Biddy Tarot.

Biddy looks like it's marketed to girl bosses and huns.  You know, all those idiots who sell shit like Herbalife, Avon and Color Street?  Bitch even made a joke about thinking that tarot readers wore crushed velvet and smelled of pachouli and she wasn't into that.

See, the audacity?

Now today, on my quest for free material for my buddies on Discord I came across her site offering a free webinar. I notified everyone, and then decided, hell, I'll stream it.  Well low and behold, I wasn't allowed to stream it, so I continued to play the webinar on my iPad, logged out of Discord and back onto my iPhone, where I popped the camera on facing the iPad and streamed it from there. (Yes, I have always been one of those teachers who bends over backwards for her students).  However, the real kicker was that while half an hour of it was some great tips for beginners and strategies to start reading for others, the other half hour was devoted entirely to her selling her website.

This lady is obsessed with people reading for other people for money and her whole gimmick sounds remarkably like a pyramid scheme.  There is no doubt in my mind, that somehow if after joining this site, you are then made to give them a certain percentage of your tarot reading earnings. 

I've said this many times and I'll say it again.  I do what I do for free.  Knowledge should be free. Period.  I'll also clarify that tips and donations are fine for those who are trying to make a few extra dollars.  Spiritual practices should not be monetized.

And... I'm a bitch.

So, what I want to do is, join her paid membership only website, and then screen shot all her materials and put it on my Google Classroom for free.

Tarot Socialism.

The joke is already on her, because most of her member only PDF books are on Z Library for the taking.  I  was offered a second free webinar and was sent a PDF "to get me started".  That material will be on the classroom by tomorrow.

I am the tarot anarchist.

I wanted to like this lady, I really did.  Hell, years ago I bought her tarot cards!  They're purple and gold, and otherwise lovely.  I'm a sucker for anything purple.  But I shall not be a sucker for this.  No sir, I don't like it.  I plan on filling my entire Google Drive with whatever material I can get my grubby twisted arthritic paws on!

I'll take the night to sleep on it, and see how I feel in the morning.  Right now I'm kinda outraged, I'm incensed, I want to take some kind of action!

The second webinar is tomorrow at 9am.  I intend on taking more screenshots, and they will again make me a great offer to join their community of over 1000 tarot readers.

Why, I don't mind if I do!



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