Ostara 2021

The minimalist spring wreath that hangs on my apartment door.

Spring is finally here and boy oh boy does it feel glorious.  Today we celebrated the sunshine by going to the park and thoroughly enjoying it.  We were there for hours.  While Ana and Dino played, I sat in the sun knitting and reading the Ostara section in this year's 2021 Sabbats Almanac.  That was it.  I feel relaxed and I hope I got a sufficient dose of vitamin D.

After getting home I finished my slides with pictures for the class we had on Ostara this evening.  It was a great turn out.  Afterwards I led a short guided meditation I learned the other day about letting go, Sneak then read an Ostara blessing.  I wanted to keep it short and sweet, and not cast circle, and call quarters.  I wanted peace and serenity.  I hope that the meditation conveyed that.

Now, I'm typing this and watching Selena Fox's Equinox stream she did yesterday.  I love her, she is such an amazing person, and her beautiful chanting gives me chills.  It's the perfect end to equinox day.

This is my spring equinox tarot spread all about planting seeds and leaving behind the old:

Overall, a lovely layout!  I must say, I am really pleased.

I am definitely looking forward to longer and warmer days.

Blessed Be!


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