4/20 2021

Happy Wacky Tobaccy Day!

For those of you who partake in the wonderful herbal medicine known by the name Mary Jane, as well as many others, please light one up in Shadow's honor.  This was his 2nd favorite day, his 1st of course being our daughter's birthday (he was secretly hoping she would be born on this day!)  He once said that if I died before him, he'd cremate me and roll a bit of me up with his weed and smoke me.  That right there is absolutely beautiful sentiment coming from a stoner.  I doubt there is a higher honor than smoking your loved one, pun intended.

I am saddened that he did not live to see weed legalized in NJ and now soon to be followed by NY.  What you may not know dear reader, is that Shadow was very involved with groups pushing to legalize.  When he couldn't sleep at night, he'd take to Pal Talk to chat with gentleman in Boston and DC whose life work was de-scheduling cannabis.  We'd get large manilla envelopes in the mail with campaign materials.  Spread the word, get signatures signed.  Weed was his passion.

I hate that he could not openly partake of an herbal remedy that made him feel better.  Yes, he had a medical marijuana license (in three states!) but he had never been totally free.  There are children who need this medicine, the elderly, dogs, and everyone in between.  Even if you take away the medicinal properties of the plant you are still left with a sustainable product that should be replacing the use of trees and cotton for paper, fiber and countless other every day products.  Hemp is, in so many ways, the perfect plant based product.

Shadow's other nickname was Bud, because, obviously.  So, light one up in Bud's honor.  Have a wonderful, mellow, feel good, and definitely happy 4/20.

Blessed Be!


P.S. We saw an orange lady bug at the park today.  It was on it's back and I put it on my fingernail and placed it back on the crab apple tree.  That was Shadow, gracing us with his presence today, since we weren't at the park on Sunday for Ana's birthday.  I know it was him and so do Ana and Dino. 


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