Wind Moon 2021


I zoomed in and this is what my iPhone shot, pretty neat huh?

For this month’s full moon, I am releasing my joint pain.  I’m over it, I’m fucking done.  It must go.  With that comes the work that needs to be done, taking my vitamin D, corydalis, turmeric, boron and nettle tea.  Movement is also part of the work, but I mustn’t over do it, this afternoon, I over did it.

The work will be done, so mote it be.

Tonight’s full moon ritual was beautiful, the presenter led us through a chakra opening and some sitting yoga movements which was most welcome.  It’s good to feel that energy flowing through my arms as I don’t usually move them in that particular manner.

This morning was when I did my tarot spreads.  I did two today.  One digital and one physical.  The digital one was so very spot on.  It was a great affirmation.

The Lust card here represents what I can teach others and that is lust for life.  I’m a fighter, I have gotten through every ordeal because I love living.  I think my mindset can be beneficial for other people I talk to, especially in this neighborhood, I am surrounded by families in million dollar houses, if they can see that the fat disabled arthritic girl isn’t letting shit get to her, then that can boost their morale as well.  

Overall, I was very happy with this full moon reading.  This has been the most accurate reading I’ve had in a while.

As for the physical one, this is Biddy’s Full Moon in Scorpio spread which was sent in an email a couple of days ago.  I’m not too thrilled with the questions but I did it anyway with her Everyday Tarot deck.

I do like when The High Priestess shows up in readings because it’s a card that presents me, I am a literal priestess! However, in this spread the question is, where do I need to relinquish control in my life?  Am I a controlling priestess?  I haven’t even done a ritual on discord in a while, or do they mean spiritually, like give into and let the divine feminine control me?  I prefer that answer better anyway but I’m probably reading into it too much.  Unless that’s not a thing in tarot?

Currently, my necklace with my quantum balance crystal, amethyst and moonstone is hanging on the window to charge along with Shadow’s skull bottle filled with tap water to make moon water and my lumerian seed crystal which I’m going to try using more, especially for morning tarot pulls.  Shadow was obsessed with lumerian seeds, so I’m glad I have this one.

Tonight was a simple, quiet full moon evening.  Nothing like the basics to give you a meaningful night.

Blessed Be!



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