The Focus Spell

Yes, I have to wipe down the altar from all the ashes...

Ingredients and tools:

Use what you have, whatever color or fragrance, don't fret if you don't have an item.

1 candle

anointing oil



tarot card that represents you, or what you want to focus on


If you like, create sacred space, cast circle.  Carve the word focus onto the candle, then anoint the candle with the oil.  Next, light the incense and place the candle in a holder.  Arrange the tarot card near the candle.  Then, take your crystal in your hand and ask it to help you focus.  Take a moment for this.  If doing this for someone else, please let them hold it and choose which crystal they want to use. When that is done, place the crystal next to the card and candle.  Now, take a few moments to breathe deeply, and visualize what it is you need to focus on, whether that's work, school, or taxes.  Light the candle.  As it burns, your focus will become crystal clear.

You can extinguish the candle if you need to and re light later when doing your task if you like.  The crystal can be placed in your pocket or in Ana's case, on the desk.  Sometimes she likes to hold it while she's doing her virtual work.  You can also place the tarot card where you're working too as a reminder to stick to your task.

Obligatory Life Story:

Ana has been having trouble lately with doing school work.  It's not the work that's difficult or anything like that, but rather the monotony of being in front of a screen all day.  The other kids are back in class, and she is home with me and that's gotta be more than fucked up for any 5 year old.

A while ago Ana chose the raw piece of rose quartz as her "focus" stone.  But teaching mindfulness to a small child isn't always sunshine and roses.  They get fed up, angry, upset and overly tired no matter how many oms, namaste's and om kleem mantra's you chant.  Though Ana loves yoga and chanting with prayer beads, her whole tiny divine being can't deal covid life.

So, I do what I can, first as a mother, second as a witch.  Some people are of the opinion that I shouldn't be introducing Wicca and these concepts to her.  Well, fuck that.  My house, my rules.  What would you rather have, tell your kid to sit and pray to God, or teach them to take matters into their own hands?  I prefer the spell work, and then working on the breath and yoga work.  If your child likes it, and it works for them, then why not?

That's my two sense.  If I had actually finished my degree in early childhood ed, then I'd give a further shut the fuck up cause I'd be the expert, but that ship sailed and here I am.  So, give it a shot, I hope it works for you, cause life is fucking chaotic right now, and while I can thrive in that, my daughter can't.




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