Dreams in Tarot

Ah, worry, ever present, ever hooded?

Last night I dreamt about tarot cards.  Not any particular cards, or spreads, nothing stood out, but they were there nonetheless behaving in a way that only objects in dreams can, which is to say swirling about.

Naturally I did a dream interpretation spread to clarify the reason behind my bizarre night time vision.  You know, besides really wanting to purchase a new deck but not actually doing so because I’m poor and I have tarot decks at home.  I also have decks on my phone, which is how I did this quick spread.

I must say, it is very convenient to wake up, roll over and use an app to pull cards as opposed to walking to my desk and shuffling a physical deck when I’m all confused about a dream and not really wanting to leave the coziness of my bed. The Labyrinthos app really does the trick, especially since I own this particular deck in dare I say analog?

On to the interpretation, which I’ll just post directly from the app, cause I’m lazy!

Basically, I shouldn’t be buying jack squat right now.  I have monetary limitations and if I don’t adhere to those restrictions I will fall on hard times.  Right now I need stability and to only purchase that which is practical.  A new deck is certainly not practical. 

So there you have it, in a nut shell.  Use what I have, yes it’s nice to dream but I don’t need anything new.


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