Still Going: The Morning Coffee Car Coat


I am currently decreasing on the back.  Thank the Goddess for Denise needles.  I can easily keep everything on the cables and just snap the needle tips on when I need to work.  They truly are a time saver and my most functional needle set.

Once I get the back and right front done I’ll be able to work on the sleeves at the park since those are one at a time and much less cumbersome.  This thing takes up my whole Tom Bihn Pop Tote.  And you know what, shout out to them too, cause their bags are so very awesome, again, they’re functional and practical and having items that work for me like that makes my life so much easier.

I’m down to the last few yards in the second skein of RHSS.  I have two more skeins left.  I hope my math for yardage was correct.  I purposely got this yarn because it’s cheap and everyone knows Super Saver is indestructible. The joke is, when the world ends, all that will be left are roaches and those indelible skeins of RHSS.

My previous car coat was made from RHSS, if I still had it, it would still look fabulous.  I hope to one day re knit that car coat, maybe even using the same colors.  Honestly, I love a good car coat, even though I’m against cars and their polluting ways.

It’s been one year of me working on this sweater, I began it on April 29 of last year.  It was supposed to be my quarantine project but as we all know Animal Crossing took all my time so it’s not like I’ve actually been physically working on it, it simply say in the bottom of my knitting basket with everything else that’s not complete.

Perhaps I’ll finish this in time to wear it on a still chilly spring time morning, but more than likely I won’t, which is ok, there is always the fall.  I will not however be dragging this thing into 2022.  

That’s just too much, I have stuff to do.



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