The Daisy Chain Cardi


Yes, there are three flowers missing, Ana doesn’t want them.

I finished it.  The embroidery came out rather cute.  The important thing is that Ana loves it and will wear it.  I sat at the park today and wove in the ends and finished the sewing. I told her I had three more flowers to finish but she wouldn’t let me.  She said it was ok and that she didn’t need anymore.  She also didn’t want a button.

The edges are done in single crochet which was way easier than trying to pick up a hideous amount of stitches.  I ain’t got time for that level of insanity.

Surprisingly, this only took one cake, so I have another cake left.  Perhaps I will use that to make the vest she wants.  But I have bigger fish to fry, like my car coat and all the other projects I’ve been neglecting. I also really have to make a cover for the hot water bottle. (Yes, we really are that old fashioned in this house.)  I enjoy making practical items that will actually be used, unlike that shawl I spent the month of March knitting, boy was that underwhelming.

So tomorrow is going to be 70 degrees and Ana will be too warm to wear this cardi.  Just my luck.

Such is the life of a knitter.



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