The Lone Candle Holder

Now I can safely burn those mini candle sticks I've purchased!

Candle holders are one of those expensive things that normal people either buy from Target or acquire fancy silver ones on their wedding day, probably from Macy's or Lord and Taylor.

I have candles, but up until today no proper holder for them.  I know.  How have I, as a practicing witch, gone this long without a candle holder?

I don't know.  I kept using tea lights.  Then there was the Hanukkah candles that I'd melt the ends of and stick them to the metal lid of a Trader Joe's tinned candle.  You know me, I make do with what I have.  But the Botanica sells proper sized mini candles (not chime candles) and they fit into a regular sized holder, taper sized.  Plus I got a box of Good Light Shabbat candles that are only 4 inches, and they will look lovely in this holder.

I spent 1.99 for it at the thrift shop.  You really can't beat that.  I periodically go there just to see what I can find, quickly in and quickly out.  Today was a whisk (my other one broke), a vintage letter writing set (Ana loves to write letters to both grandmothers) a journal for Dino (I scored high quality Korean made paper!) and this candle holder.  Today was a tag day, so that means I got everything for half off!  I love being a poor cheap skate sometimes.

I don't know if this holder is crystal, some of them on the shelf did have the label stating lead content, but it will still do it's job which is the most important thing.  The only bad thing about glass holders like this is that once the candle burns most of the way, you can not let it get too close to the glass because there is the risk of it heating and cracking.  I've seen many neophytes burn candles and think they angered some God (as if), or it's a SIGN when their holder suddenly burst and that's just pure science staring them in the face and nothing mystical about it.  Candle safety is very important in my tiny apartment.  I have a fire extinguisher, but I don't want to ever have to actually use it!

Though it was rather chilly out, I haven't even lit a candle in it yet, this will strictly be for spells.  On Sunday I will help Ana do her focus spell.  She's already painted the pink candle you see in the picture with glitter.  I will add additional items to the spell, like the piece of large rose quartz she says helps her do school work.  Poor kid is just so over quarantine already and wants nothing more than to go back with all her friends, but as I keep saying, I ain't getting sick for no one. 

Perhaps I'll write up that whole process for Sunday, that'll be a spell many students could use.

I have to tidy up the altar too.  That's what happens when I have so many things going on at once.  Time to put away some things and stream line.  I think I'd like to keep the new holder out on top.  We'll see how that goes, after all, I wont be using it every day.

Blessed Be!



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