Preparing for Beltane

I love a good wood cut style picture, don’t you?

The Sabbats seem to be running all together lately, I swear we just did Imbolc but no, it was actually the Equinox and that was an entire month ago.

Once again, I will be presenting some history and lore on the Sabbat for Saturday on the Discord.  Saged is having their own ritual, so I want to take part in that as well and then I might check out Circle Sanctuary’s if it doesn’t over lap with the one with Saged.  I’ll see if people are around for a quick Sunday ritual because I don’t want to do one so late on the day itself.

I was really hoping we could actually do the May Pole this year since it couldn’t happen last year.  But once again, it’s a no go due to Covid.  Mayor DeBlasio has said he wants the city to be fully opened by July 1st, so I am hopeful that Pagan Pride Day will happen, but so far no word, these things have to be planned out months in advance with permits so it’s a close call if they do go on at all.

Many people build their own mini May Pole’s for their altars but I’ve never done one myself.  Beltane is also a fire festival, but bonfires are certainly not allowed in Manhattan parks, legally anyway.

This year I’ve decided to brush up on my Beltane knowledge with Raven Grimassi’s book, the cover of which you see above.  He was old school Wicca so this is an interesting read to say the least.  I do love the recipe and craft sections of these kinds of books, they give me loads of new ideas.  There’s nothing like freshening up your traditions.

Tomorrow, I’ll figure out what I’d like to cook for dinner on Saturday, and I’ll get a special dessert for us instead of making one because it’s officially too warm to turn the oven on.  I really should invest in a cake pan for my air fryer.  I tend to make 8 x 8 single layer cakes anyway so size isn’t an issue recipe wise.  If on the off chance I do bake, I want to get spelt flour and maybe do an olive oil cake with that.  I’m fancy and healthy.

When Ana is done with her school work for the day we can make some crafts and decorate the altar.  That’s always a nice activity.  I don’t want things to get too hectic on Saturday, so I must be mindful of my time and scheduling.  Sabbats should be fun and relaxing, not chaotic and stressful.

Blessed Be!



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