2021 New Year Tarot Readings

I don't even remember if I did a yearly reading last year.  I know I wrote down a spread for my birthday but never got around to it.  This year, in light of the shit show that happened with Covid, I'd like to be prepared.  Let's see what the cards say for the year ahead.  Maybe I'll catch the next global catastrophe!

The first spread I did is from the Tarot Association.  They sent it in their news letter claiming that since it was so popular last year, they'd give it out again.  It's an interesting concept, one takes the minor arcana cards ace through ten from each suite and does an oracle type reading using those 40 cards.  I actually took the information and put it into a chart on the classroom so others will have an easier time doing the spread.

This is what I pulled using my Thoth pocket deck:

2 of cups + Ace of discs + 2 of discs

The first card is your past, the second what you can do now at the turn of the year, and the third is the future for the year ahead.  Using the assigned oracle meanings from the email, we arrive at:

A proposal (we receive) + We build (a house) + A dance (we balance)

Right off the bat, I got two discs, so I have to consider money as being an issue (when isn't it, am I right?).  So the proposal I received could be talking about how I was asked to teach on the discord server, plus the few times I taught knitting in the park over the summer.  As for the second card, I believe it's talking about my desire to further organize and simplify things in my apartment, which is definitely something I want to tackle right now at the start of the year.  Finally, the last card, which is also named change.  I can only hope that good change is coming in regards to my financial situation, and that I will have to continue to balance my finances wisely, so no room for extras.

I'm not surprised by this reading.  It's a never ending battle of keeping house, and balancing that check book and seeing as those are really my only two worries with being home bound and nothing else going on, I can see why domesticity is at the center.
On to the next reading. Now, I've seen plenty of spreads that use 12 cards for the coming year, one for each month, but this one is a little different, it's an over view of the entire year but more in depth.  I got it off the Biddy Tarot website.  Sometimes I get MLM vibes from them, I actually have her deck and was going to pull it out to use for this spread, but when one does a deep dive with their inner demons, only Thoth will do.

There are no deviations to the meanings here, just your standard style spread:

1. The previous year in summary: 

Knight of cups: This is kind of how I felt this year, this card corresponds with Aquarius (despite the crab), but the crab is moodiness, and who wasn't moody during lock down?  I was bored, restless, comfy, cozy, tired, and so many other things sitting inside, but I didn't take it to heart.

2. Lessons learned from the past year:

The Lovers: Well, if that wasn't a slap in the face! Seriously, we all know this card doesn't mean a significant other.  For me, this is a card of devotion, commitment, to anything, one's children, one's hobbies, one's work.
Having both my children home for the majority of lock down was utter devotion, and the one thing I learned was that despite my disability, I don't have any issues taking care of my kids (emotionally speaking).  I heard way too many moms joke about the wine they needed to help with their kids homework, and that's plain old disgusting, using alcohol to cope isn't funny.  If anything, being in lock down strengthened my bond with my babies.

3. Aspirations for the next 12 months:

7 of discs: Failure: Another slap in the face when it comes to money, I aspire to continue to live frugally, I literally have no other choice.  Sometimes this card means that things will be stagnant.  Since I have no investments, I'm going to stick to that.  I'm going to be doing the same things I always do, so that can be stagnation when it comes to creativity, travel, and other pursuits that I don't take part in.  Or is it my fear of failure?  Perhaps I have to think outside the box and take more risks so I can be comfortable with failing?  Let's just hope it's not specifically describing one of my knitting projects! 

4. What empowers you in reaching your aspirations?

8 of wands: Swiftness: Now this is a card I like to see when discussing aspirations.  This is a card of energy, going with the flow, totally my kind of card.  This is exactly the vibes I need for the year a head and my goals.  The rainbow is a nice touch too, that's beauty after the storm, and hopefully a pot of gold too.

5. What may stand in the way of reaching your aspirations?

10 of swords: Ruin:  Thoth deck seems to really be coming after me tonight huh? The feelings of this card are ones I've been trying hard to never feel: loss, hopelessness, destruction.  But are these going to be my emotions or others around me?  Regardless I will have to overcome them to "do me".  There is a lot to unpack here, but as the previous card advised, I'll go with the flow.

6. Your relationships and emotions in the coming year:

Lust: Well now, lust isn't always sexy time and beating one's husband over the head with the cast iron skillet.  This is my lust for life, maybe sharing my passions with even more people (a lot of people asked me to teach them how to knit).  Hopefully this means I can actually spend time with real live people once I get the vaccine!  Vitality is another key word associated with this card, so I really hope I can be more active in the community.

7. Your career, work and finances:

The Priestess: It's funny that I should get this card when it's a question regarding work.  During the past year I've been high priestess on almost every virtual Sabbat celebration. This is a card of inner change, and look at all those crystals at her feet!  Maybe I can continue my priestess duties but in real life this year.  As for finances, I'm certainly not opposed to being paid a few dollars to cleanse someone's home.

8. Your health and well-being:

Queen of wands: This is the most important card in the entire spread for me.  And it's especially nice to get this particular card.  She is a woman of independence.  And that's the walk I've been walking since Shadow passed.  With literally no one else to take care of me, I have no choice but to take my scepter (cane) and defeat my enemies (deal with my autoimmune disease).

9. Your spiritual energy and inner fulfillment:

Knight of discs: This is a knight that isn't on the move.  He's watching whatever is going on over the hills, soaking up the suns rays, letting his horse eat some grass.  He is focus and patience which is how I try to take my spiritual journey, and I'm fine with that.  I too enjoy soaking up the sun, and eating salads.  I think this card is telling me to take my time with my more serious book titles.  I think I plowed too quickly through the Thoth book.  Moving forward, slowly of course, I'll read with more diligence.

10. What you most need to focus on in the year ahead:

6 of cups: Pleasure: As if I didn't focus on my own pleasure enough during the previous year?  Probably not, I was in deep mourning.  This is a card of healing, and restoration.  I definitely need that after this past year of hell, really the past almost 6 years of the roller coaster in and out of hell.  I need some happiness and peace, so I'll keep this in mind when things turn sour this year.

11: Your most important lesson for the coming year:

8 of discs: Prudence: Yet another slap in the face.  Oh boy, I get it, I'm poor and broke and live SSA issued check to check.  I know I have to be careful, I know money is extremely tight.  It must be constantly drilled into my head!  I know this lesson, and I guess know I have to really utilize it for 2021.

12. Overall, where are you headed in the next 12 months?

Princess of cups: This is a nice surprise, that despite being poor and continuing to be so (as if that was going to actually change this year), I can rely on my creativity to get me through.  That makes sense and fits the goals I set for myself.  What's interesting however is that this card describes a woman who is gentle and kind.  I have never been described as such.  Am I going to need to channel more of that type of energy for this year?  

Whew, that certainly was deep.  Maybe I should have done a 12 month break down, this spread was a bit more soul exposing (it also exposed by empty wallet).  Now, I go and live life to the fullest, my way of course, for the next year and see how much this spread really illuminated.

Blessed Be!


  1. This was a really interesting reading! Loved seeing your interpretation


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