Crazy Hair Day

Virtual school has been tough for Ana.  She is my social butterfly child, where as Dino, well, he’s Dino.

Ana has been unfortunately tossed around between three different teachers since September.  Not cool.  I mean they had their reasons I suppose, but I’ll keep my big fat mouth shut before the ultra orthodox feminist crowd get mad.

Today was the first time that Ana had a theme day and from now on she’ll be having one every week.  Time for me to put on my creative mommy hat which I haven’t gotten to wear in a very long time.

The above hair style was started at 8:07 am and completed at 8:20 on the dot because we had to run (as much as one with a bum knee can) to the living room in order for her to log onto class.  I used every bow she owns and I’m indeed proud of my work.

Ana saw a lot of kids on screen with spray hair color and was a tiny bit upset that I didn’t think to get her pink spray hair color.  Not for nothing, where does one even find that outside of Halloween?  

Her hair of many bows seemed to make her very chipper and our voyage to pick up her materials at school made her excited as well.  Quite a few people on the street commented about how cute her hair was too, which of course made Ana even happier.  

Unfortunately, we don’t get out much these days.  Not with idiots thinking they can vacation and party and eat out and everything else they keep doing.  People need to fucking read more, then, guess what, you don’t socialize as much cause you’ve got your nose in a good book!

Now to add a Wiccan element to this story if I may, we live in an area with a ton of Cuban refugees.  With that comes many statues of the Virgin just chilling in all manner of nooks and crannies.  Every one we passed Ana said “mommy, look there’s the Goddess and a baby” or “mommy, another goddess with some kids!”

It was only a few days ago that she asked me who the lady on the candle I have is and I told her, that’s Mary, and she’s a Goddess.  Mary is The Goddess for many Wiccans, but not me personally.

This is yet another difference between my kids.  Dino was enamored with the Greek pantheon and Ana seems to be more curious about tools, ritual and now statues.  It’s all good.  I want her to see that Wicca is beautiful, happy, fun, as well as meaningful. 

So, we shall see what adventure awaits us next Friday and what my little nugg spots along the way.

Blessed Be!



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