Show Me Your Teeth

Right after ending a wonderful class on cleansing and protection magick, my darling son decides to lose a tooth.

Thus minor chaos ensues.  

All I did was hand him two pieces of knock off Ferrero Roche for an after dinner treat.  These ones are actually better then the NJ made ones cause they're made in Germany.  Yes, this is important to the story because this high quality German chocolate has chunks of hazelnuts in it.

Anyway, Dino chews away then freaks out thinking he's shifted an adult tooth, I check his mouth, and seeing a new adult tooth already more than half way up decide to yank out the baby molar.  This is something I've done for him on several occasions.  My mother always used a paper towel, I don't purchase paper towels, so I use a hankie or in this case, my bare fingers which probably smell like red onion because I had grated a large one for dinner and that smell doesn't just go away with soap.

While Dino stuffs a hankie in his mouth, he texts his father, without context about loosing a tooth.  Said father, calls, freaking out thinking it's an adult tooth.

Explanations, more checking, everything is ok.  Phone call is done.  I check the surrounding gum and tooth again.  Dino is a ok.  Obviously, I didn't go to school at UMDNJ, but I'm a mama who knows what to do.

Which brings me to yet another amazing usage for salt.  We talked a lot about salt in this evening's class.  It's very versatile for cleansing, protection, banishing, and in this case rinsing out your mouth when your gums are bleeding.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt (we used Himalayan) to a cup of warm water.

Swish for 10 seconds, spit and repeat. 

Don't swallow!

While salt cleanses metaphysically, it also cleanses physically!  It can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.  There is real science behind this, so it's not just some old wife's (me) tale.  It has to do with pH in the mouth and honestly I don't even know all of it.

And thus ends my excitement for the evening, typing this story out, while I drink my lukewarm tea. 

The moral of the story, always have a Costco sized container of salt, especially if you're a witch with children.

Now, does an almost 14 year old boy, who is now taller than me need a dollar from the tooth fairy?

Blessed Be!



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