The Fucking Kybalion

I’ve been putting off reading it for 20 years.  It’s the book that’s supposed to start everyone’s occult journey.  I’ve seen it in the book store, everyone discusses it.  It’s highly recommended, the first book to read on the “initiate’s” list before you dive dick first into Crowley, and yet, I haven’t freaking read it.

I own a physical copy.  The exact one you see pictured above, with gilded pages and one of those semi convenient yet still pretty useless ribbon bookmarks.

I sat myself down one day and said I was gonna start it.  I got a few pages in and I just couldn’t anymore.  Why is this book, the book?

Now Crowley, I get Crowley, I would have fawned over that man back in the day, but The Kybalion speaks to me of rich Victorian man with nothing to do, which technically was Crowley too, but, you know, he was The Great Beast.

I have a few other books that Shadow recommended to me, and ordered himself when we first moved here.  Books that he said changed his life, specifically one called “The Sword and The Serpent”.

It’s time I read them.  It’s time I go through the list and just do it.  It’s a very short book, so I suppose in a few days time I’ll be writing about what I read.

Will it be pure hogwash?  Will it change my life?  My path?

Who the fuck knows?

Better start this shit now, time to put down my Kindle and get ready to turn physical pages again like some Neanderthal.


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